Victorious Quotes
I am just not thinking of India's deliverance. It will come, but will it be worth if England and France fall, or if they come out victorious over Germany ruined and humbled?
Mahatma Gandhi
When two opposing sides meet in battle, the one without an enemy will be victorious.
Lao Tzu
A victorious general must know how to employ severity, justness, and mildness by turns, if he would allay sedition or prevent it.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Hence it comes that all armed Prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed Prophets have been destroyed.
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli
I have learned to accept it, even ask for it, this 'more than I can handle.' Because in these times, God shows Himself victorious. He reminds me that all of this life requires more of Him and less of me. God does give us more than we can handle. Not maliciously, but intentionally, in love, that His glory may be displayed, that we may have no doubt of who is in control, that people may see His grace and faithfulness shining through our lives.
Katie Davis
He who bears in his heart a cathedral to be built is already victorious. He who seeks to become sexton of a finished cathedral is already defeated.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery