Dublin Quotes
When's the last time you walked by a pub in Dublin and heard Irish music? When's the last time you ordered a coffee and heard an Irish accent?
I go off into Dublin and two days later I'm spotted walking by the Liffey with a whole bunch of new friends.
It's that kind of Dublin mentality: you just have to grin and bear some things.
When I die, I want to decompose in a barrel of porter and have it served in all the pubs in Dublin. I wonder would they know it was me?
My average day is with my wife and kids in Dublin, doing school runs, grocery store, feeding and walking the dogs.
I was happy in Dublin because it is very cosmopolitan.
by the general love of scandal and detraction in Dublin, one might reasonably imagine they were all to feed themselves through the holes which they had made in the characters of others.
My Dublin wasn't the Dublin of sing-songs, traditional music, sense of history and place and community.