Good Sense Quotes
Good sense is the most equitably distributed of all things because no matter how much or little a person has, everyone feels so abundantly provided with good sense that he feels no desire for more than he already possesses.
Rene Descartes -
Spiritual wisdom is now available to everyone, disseminated to the masses as never before in world history. Finally, a few trips to the library, and we have a pretty good sense of what all the masters said. They all said the same things. There is a mass discovery that Jesus is truth, the Torah is truth, Mohammed is truth, Krishna is truth, Buddha is truth, and so on. They are all truth and they are all among us now.
Marianne Williamson
It can be no dishonor to learn from others when they speak good sense.
Sophocles -
I had neither the good sense nor the good feeling to know that this was all my fault, and that if I had been easier with Joe, Joe would have been easier with me. I felt impatient of him and out of temper with him; in which condition he heaped coals of fire on my head.
Charles Dickens -
There is nothing in life so irrational, that good sense and chance may not set it to rights; nothing so rational, that folly and chance may not utterly confound it.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Perfect good sense shuns all extremity, content to couple wisdom with sobriety.
Moliere -
One tends to give one's fingers too little credit for their own good sense.
Elizabeth Zimmermann