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The fundamental values of a true community are elsewhere: in love, poetry, disinterested thought, the free use of the imagination, the pursuit of non-utilitarian activities, the production of non-profitmaking goods, the employment of non-consumable wealth - here are the sustaining values of a living culture.
Lewis Mumford
It has taken me most of my adult life to come to terms with who I am. To do that, I had to break free of attitudes that brought me down.
Janet Jackson
Harriet: making an excuse Um... I'm looking for a copy of The Wheat-Free Guide to Creative Visualization in Co-dependent Past-Life Relationships.Mo: Huh. Jeez, I never heard of that one... Wonder if it's in spirituality or cooking.
Alison Bechdel
I'm free to make music - I'm sitting on about 40 or 45 new songs that I can't wait to put out.
Cliff Martinez
No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish.
John Ruskin
Free enterprise is essentially a formula not just for wealth creation, but for life satisfaction.
Arthur C. Brooks
Iraq may get peace and stability through restoring it's sovereignty under participation of all Iraqi factions and sectarian groups, who must rebuild a new democratic, free and independent Iraq.
Bill Vaughan
I sing the 'Star Spangled Banner,' so I can get into football, basketball and baseball games for free.
John Cullum
Our true nature is free of any and all notions of gender, of any notions of difference whatsoever.
Andrew Cohen
Emancipation, to be of any value to the slave, must be the free, voluntary act of the master, performed from a conviction of its propriety.
Elijah Parish Lovejoy
I am one of billions. I am stardust gathered fleetingly into form. I will be ungathered. The stardust will go on to be other things someday and I will be free.
Laini Taylor
That happens every time I get behind a guitar, regardless of what I'm saying, 'cause music is freedom and being free is the closest I've ever felt to being spiritual.
Ben Harper
Can't you see the angel imprisoned in the block of stone trying to get out? I am trying to free him.
There's something about Barack Obama that induces Americans to imagine what they cannot see. The Right envisions a vile socialist, while many on the Left picture an inspired liberal, politically restrained in his first term but now free to pursue his true beliefs.
David K. Shipler
I don't even know what Instagram is, All of this high-tech stuff is supposed to set us free and make life easier. To me, it makes it more difficult and demanding.
Jeff Bridges
Households, cities, countries, and nations have enjoyed great happiness when a single individual has taken heed of the Good and Beautiful. Such people not only liberate themselves; they fill those they meet with a free mind.
The right to vote is a consequence, not a primary cause, of a free social system-and its value depends on the constitutional structure implementing and strictly delimiting the voters' power; unlimited majority rule is an instance of the principle of tyranny.
Ayn Rand
The truth has not so much set us free as it has ripped away a carefully constructed facade, leaving us naked to begin again.
Lisa Unger