Mustard Quotes
I send you a kaffis of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledge the bitterness of my victory.
I take my own syrup, ketchup, and mustard, just in case of emergencies, in my suitcase. Whatever I can steal from the hotels. It's usually Heinz ketchup, and they give you a weird mustard. You don't get French's or anything; you get some sort of Dijon or some mustard. That's just for hot dogs. I don't use mustard for anything else.
Get out the rye bread and mustard grandma, cause it's GRAND SALAMI TIME!
I am not an intellectual. An intellectual is someone who looks at a sausage and thinks of Picasso, whereas I just say 'pass the mustard'.
What say you to a piece of beef and mustard?
I believe mustard to be one of the most amazing condiments.
A lot of ideas get re-used and made part of new songs if the first version didn't cut the mustard, and the stuff that gets left off usually contained the germ of something good but failed to reach a satisfactory state by the recording stage.
Almost anything is edible with a dab of French mustard on it.
But we had young turnips and mustard greens in our befuddled stomach that day, and these things make bravery.
Anyone who's tried to pay a heating bill, fill a prescription, or simply buy groceries knows all too well that the current minimum wage does not cut the mustard.