Portraiture Quotes
Beware how in making the portraiture thou breakest the pattern: for divinity maketh the love of ourselves the pattern; the love of our neighbours but the portraiture.
I want to paint men and women with that something of the external which the halo used to symbolize, and which we now seek to give by the actual radiance and vibrancy of our colorings.
Don't listen to the fools who say that pictures of people can be of no consequence, or that painting is dead. There is much to be done.
Ah! Portraiture, portraiture with the thought, the soul of the model in it, that is what I think must come.
The real artist is striving to depict his subject's character and to stress the caricature, but at least it is art which is alive.
Really good portraiture is a two-way street where someone is throwing little gems out and you're grabbing them. Very few people have a 100 percent fluency in being able to do to do this - this kind of magical reaction with a camera.
Herein lies the main objective of portraiture and also its main difficulty. The photographer probes for the innermost. The lens sees only the surface... .
The self-portrait is an act of objectifying the self and in that regard is a unique form of portraiture.
Alas, it is just a single image - an extended moment perhaps. Unlike a biography, a portrait cannot present the many differing moments that make up a personality.
I wanted to make photographs that were immediate and revealing - different from traditional portraiture that called for formal distance between artist and subject.
What a conception of art must those theorists have who exclude portraits from the proper province of the fine arts! It is exactly as if we denied that to be poetry in which the poet celebrates the woman he really loves. Portraiture is the basis and the touchstone of historic painting.