Collars Quotes
The flaw in our character is our insistence on separating blue-collar jobs from white-collar jobs, and encouraging one form of education over another.
Lipstick on your collar said you were untrue. Bet your bottom dollar, you and I are through.
You couldn't see the key around my neck: it hung too low under both collars. But if I leaned in close, I could make it out, buried deep beneath. Out of sight, hard to recognize, but still able to be found, even if I was the only one to ever look for it.
I was born with this bow tie made of celluloid on my collar.
An Englishman never takes his collar off when he is writing. How can you expect him to show you his soul?
A lot of the buildings [in Toronto] around Yonge and Bloor is the architectural equivalent of Kipper Ties and 8" collar points. It's ghastly and no amount of street-level retail glitz can lift it.
What did you people who are wearing blue collars now find out today?
It's a blue-collar city Manchester that's transitioning into a white collar place and people are getting priced out.
The idea that because the school day is shorter or the school year is shorter than the sort of white collar workday or work year, that does not actually capture how teachers spend their time.
I don't fight the suburban areas or collar counties. I get along with them; they're former Chicagoans anyway.
My father was a logger. He cut timber and hauled it out of the woods and had a sawmill. They sawed it into lumber. And, you know, the mines needed things they call timbers and collars and so forth, and they used collars on the railroad track that they put the rails on. And he - that was his occupation, just a sawmill man and a logger.
I much prefer the company of the crew, the sort of 'blue-collar working person.' I much more have that sensibility than what the public perceives as what a typical actor would have.
Kinsey was never a lawyer. She's strictly blue collar.