Compact Quotes
When a man sells eleven ounces for twelve, he makes a compact with the devil, and sells himself for the value of an ounce.
The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness by reasonable compact in civil society. It was to be, in the first instance, in a considerable degree a government of accommodation as well as a government of Laws. Much was to be done by prudence, much by conciliation, much by firmness.
No compact among men... can be pronounced everlasting and inviolable, and if I may so express myself, that no Wall of words, that no mound of parchment can be so formed as to stand against the sweeping torrent of boundless ambition on the one side, aided by the sapping current of corrupted morals on the other.
Hence a ship is said to be tight, when her planks are so compact and solid as to prevent the entrance of the water in which she is immersed: and a cask is called tight, when the staves are so close that none of the liquid contained therein can issue through or between them.
The tax that is taken from the free non-Muslim subjects of a Muslim government whereby they ratify the compact that assures them protection, as though it were compensation for not being slain.
My stories are very compact. I want them to say the most complex things in the simplest way.
The compact which exists between the North and the South is a covenant with death and an agreement with hell.
I have a lot of compact discs. I need them for radio play and convenience. Many bands and artists I am a fan of don't always release their work on vinyl, so I take what they feel like giving me.
I made a compact with myself that in my person literature should stand by itself, of itself, and for itself.
In a very real sense, the Constitution is our compact with history . . . but the Constitution can maintain that compact and serve as the lodestar of our political system only if its terms are binding on us. To the extent we depart from the document's language and rely instead on generalities that we see written between the lines, we rob the Constitution of its binding force and give free reign to the fashions and passions of the day.
I'm a young guy called 'commutative ring', but I was originally 'the ring of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space'. Now I am an algebraic object, so I must say goodbye to my home village, the space, but I will always keep it in my heart as a set of maximal ideals.
If the Constitution is a compact, then the States have a right to secede.
I alienated the automotive industry by saying that cars should be lightweight and compact.
A piece of art is a compact form of the universe.
You can't write a children's book that takes more than five or six minutes to read, because it will drive the parents batty. It has to be compact. Nobody thinks about the parents when they write these stupid books. I could write longer children's books, but it would actually be bad if I did.