Accomplish Quotes
You're not being paid by how hard you work, but by what you accomplish. If you can't hack it, pack it. Our challenge today is to look forward, to write our own history.
William A. Connelly
The media plays up celebrity a lot, but it doesn't hold a candle to being a scientist. There's a lot to be said for what they all do, and are trying to accomplish.
Joe Perry
LBJ held up Detroit as a model of what the Great Society could accomplish. He was right.
Mark Steyn
Among the achievements celebrated in Trump's first 100 days are the 59 cruise missiles launched at the Syrian airfield from which the gas attack on civilians allegedly came, and the dropping of the 22,000-pound MOAB bomb in Afghanistan. But what did these bombings accomplish?
Pat Buchanan
... People with great passions, people who accomplish great deeds, people who possess strong feelings, even people with great minds and a strong personality, rarely come out of good little boys and girls.
Lev Vygotsky
I realised that conforming didn't accomplish anything. Do your own thing. As long as you learn that, you're cool.
Sandra Bullock
If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can't just sit back and hope it will happen. You've got to make it happen.
Chuck Norris
I think I've always had it in me, ... I just haven't quite been able to put it together for a whole match. Ever since I was a little kid, you always dream about being Top 10 in the world and winning a Grand Slam. I know that's a long way away right now, but hopefully with a lot of hard work, getting a little bit better, maybe I can accomplish those things down the road.
Brian Baker
Bad Religion
How much there is I want to do! I always feel that I haven't time to accomplish what I wish. I want to read much. I wanted to write a great deal. I want to make money.
Irving Fisher
Do something you fear, NOT to conquer the fear, NOT to accomplish a task, but to familiarize yourself with the processes with which fear protects itself, to demystify it.
Cheri Huber
No matter how many personal productivity techniques you master, there will always be more to do than you can ever accomplish in the time you have available to you, no matter how much it is.
Brian Tracy
It's too easy to give up on the things that are hard to accomplish.
C. R. Johnson