Hit Quotes
I can't stand squealers, hit that guy!
There's going to be good plays that happen and bad plays that happen, but at the end of the day, when you have the chance to hit a big play, you have to hit it.
I wish you well and I hope it will be a huge hit, because that would be very good for me. And if, God forbid, it's a terrible flop, well that would be very good for me.
Unlike the rest of everyone I hang around with, I don't drink, so I remember what happened after shows. And I have never hit on anyone after a show, I'm not that kind of person. Even if I was attracted to someone, I'd be too shy.
My greatest high was to hit a ball well, to try to do it perfectly, to try different things, whether they came off or not.
Everybody said, You hit it so big when you were on Ally McBeal. I didnt do anything for a year after Ally McBeal, and I had to write David Kelley to get myself back on Ally a second time because I thought the character should be on again.
You're not the only one accused of hit and run. Tire tracks all across my back, well I can see you've had your fun.
Eaves gets a cut above his eye and there's no call on the play. The official told one of our players it was a clean hit. That seems kind of strange.
The video was of paramount importance, because 'Take on Me' was not an instant hit.
A song is a song and a hit record can change a life.
Drosnin's 'The Bible Code' would hardly be worth mentioning were it not such a smash hit.
Today we just took our lumps. We came across a good pitcher, and he pitched well and hit his spots.
You could have a season where you hit .330 and did all these great things, but nothing ever materialized from it and you went home October One. Or you could hit .260 and have key hits and key plays on defense that help your team get to the playoffs and win the World Series.
What does a woman feel when she is hit? My mother slapped me when I was a child - on two occasions, to the point of pure hysteria; I never liked it. Those who are humiliated in such a way learn to disintegrate – that is, they become once removed from pain. This is the most direct route to psychic ruin.
He can hit. It's not like you're sending an out up there every time.
I love to hit people. I love to.
Hold what you've got and hit them where you can.
I don't paint, I hit.
When a pitcher's throwing a spitball, don't worry and don't complain, just hit the dry side like I do.
Why do half the people I meet try to hit me with something? Yeah, yeah, I know, you don't even have to say it. "Because, the other half don't know me that well yet.
You don't swing at any pitch. You swing at the ones you can hit.
When I hit one over, I knew I was good.
I could always hit. I learned to hit with a broomstick and a ball of tape and I could always get that bat on the ball.
While Laurence was talking, a Tater Tot hit him in the head, but he just kept talking as if nothing had happened.