Adding Quotes
I learned the formula of adding and subtracting, learned about the dictionary, and knew that the information to solve any problem was to be found somewhere. But I was bottom of the class all the way – not because I did not like Miss McNeil, but because I could not handle the required standards. The dear lady would keep me sitting by the hour to establish the way a world like ‘altogether’ was sounded and spelt.
What are you adding to the world today?
He 's gone, and who knows how he may report Thy words by adding fuel to the flame?
AI might be a powerful technology, but things won't get better simply by adding AI.
Not adding value is the same as taking it away.
Inflation has ... become the cruelest tax, destroying the value of the dollar and adding new costs to every purchase.
It was just Rocket being Rocket. He was just adding to his legendary status.
The guys that improve every year are those that are always adding something to their game.