Avoided Quotes
Why, courage then! what cannot be avoided 'Twere childish weakness to lament or fear.
Arguments are to be avoided: they are always vulgar and often convincing.
I'd always avoided stuff like 'Where are they now?' or 'Whatever happened to?' Just 'No thanks, thanks for calling.' You tell me, have you ever seen a 'Whatever happened to' where they seemed anything but pathetic?
If someone had told me years ago that sharing a sense of humour was so vital to partnerships, I could have avoided a lot of sex!
One of the few certainties in life is that persons of certainty should certainly be avoided.
To be avoided at all costs is the solace of opinion without the pain of thought.
If it has to be that wars and battles are begun for many reasons and quarrels, then they should also be avoided and shunned by better and more valid reasons.
Hope knows that if great trials are avoided great deeds remain undone and the possibility of growth into greatness of soul is aborted.
Reputation should be neither sought nor avoided.
Hasty resolutions are of the nature of vows, and to be equally avoided.
Confession of one's guilt purifies and uplifts. Its suppression is degrading and should always be avoided.
For man, the death of the body is inevitable, and is determined by time and circumstance; but, with proper precaution, the death of the soul may be totally avoided.
I did not want to be labelled the designer who survived the atomic bomb, and therefore I have always avoided questions about Hiroshima.
I actually think it's courageous to be vulnerable, and it's not something to be avoided.
Thank God I've always avoided persecuting my enemies.
Solitude will be welcomed or endured or avoided, according as a man's personal value is large or small.
What can be avoided Whose end is purposed by the mighty gods?
I cannot sit here and say I was beaten by Carol Miller. Because Carol Miller did not show up. She did not debate me. She basically avoided everything and just said, 'I'm with Trump, I'm with Trump.' And sadly, that's apparently a victory here in a place like southern West Virginia.
Michael Brown and Eric Garner died because they got into a confrontation that could have been easily avoided. That's what made their deaths so tragic.
True heroics must be carefully planned - and strenuously avoided.