Wolves Quotes
Raven. Makes me think of werewolves. Do you think a man can change into an animal? Alexander - If he's with the right girl.
As wolves love lambs so lovers love their loves.
I grew up on the rough side of the tracks. If you looked like you were soft, you would be fodder for the wolves. I came up in my neighbourhood like, 'I'm just gonna be me,' and all the thugs just said, 'It's OK, he's special.' They knew I had the talent with the rhymes, so they kept me around.
In politics you must always keep running with the pack. The moment that you falter and they sense that you are injured, the rest will turn on you like wolves.
The race of man, while sheep in credulity, are wolves for conformity.
Pacifists are like sheep who believe that wolves are vegetarians.
I refuse to be. In the madhouse of the inhuman I refuse to live. With the wolves of the market place I refuse to howl.
The airheads of Congress will keep their own plush healthcare plan - it's the rest of us guinea pigs who will be thrown to the wolves.
If it's lawful to have a rifle club to kill pheasants, it should be just as lawful to have one to kill wolves or dogs that are being sicked on little black babies. In fact, it's constitutional. Article Number Two of the constitution guarantees the right of every citizen to own a rifle or a shot gun.
Well, wolves will pretty rarely hunt. You're vulnerable if you're on your own or injured. But for lone wolves, get up high, show them that you're not injured, face 'em off, be authoritarian with it, and look 'em in the eye.
Nantucket's English settlers, who first disembarked on the island in 1659, had been mindful of the sea's dangers. They had hoped to earn their livelihoods not as fishermen but as farmers and shepherds on this grassy isle dotted with ponds, where no wolves preyed.
When one runs with the wolves, one must howl with the pack.
If you’re going to throw the girl to the wolves, it’s only appropriate to outfit her with a red cloak.
Indians and wolves are both beasts of prey, tho' they differ in shape.
The others wolves would devour me if they could know that my roar is, in reality, a crying.
He was the khan of Wolves and he feared no man. They would pay dearly for his skin.
He who owns a hundred sheep must fight with fifty wolves.
Good luck go with you, O Chief of the Wolves. And good luck and strong white teeth go with noble children that they may never forget the hungry in this world.
One must be a fox to recognize traps and a lion to frighten wolves...
Bankers are lynxes. To expect any gratitude from them is equivalent to attempting to move the wolves of the Ukraine to pity in the middle of winter.
The strongest inpression remaining with me after watching the wolves...was their friendliness towards each other.
Wolves are disciplined not only when they hunt but also when they travel, when they play, and when they eat. Nature doesn't view discipline as a negative thing. Discipline is DNA. Discipline is survival.
She'd read once that if you ran into a bear in the woods you should avoid eye contact and you shouldn't run away, but all she knew about wolves is that you should never tell them how to find your grandmother's house.
In woods where the woodsmen told lies, maybe it was the wolves who told the truth.