Secretary Quotes
I am my own secretary; I dictate, I compose, I copy all myself.
Venerable Bede
I'm from a salt-of-the-earth, working-class, northern background. My dad's a steelworker and a firefighter, and my mum is a secretary for the NHS.
Faye Marsay
Sir Alec Douglas-Home, when he was British Foreign Secretary, said he received the following telegram from an irate citizen: "To hell with you. Offensive letter follows."
William Lewis Safir
From the Cooperative League, I suppose, with the Depression lingering as long as it did, the next step in terms of, as you call it, professional relationship, was to go to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People [NAACP]. I went there as an assistant field secretary, and so forth. So, I suppose that was the first organized step.
Ella Baker
Today Secretary of State John Kerry visited the small African nation of Djibouti. Or to use the official diplomatic term, he made a Djibouti call.
Conan O'Brien
“Secretary of State Clinton dared Iran on Monday to let her hold a town-hall meeting in Tehran.” That’s telling ’em. If the ayatollahs had a sense of humor, they’d call her bluff.
Mark Steyn
In a new interview, Secretary of State Colin Powell repeated that the U.S. has no plans to attack Syria or Iran. After hearing this Donald Rumsfeld responded, 'Like he'd know.'
Conan O'Brien
Well, if you're looking for me to lead a normal representative life, well good luck finding a foreign secretary who'd be like that - totally dependant on the political system and has never earned any money. Then you'll get the politicians you deserve.
William Hague
As we have stated before, the attorney general and the secretary of the Treasury have made their decisions on how to proceed in this matter with complete independence, guided by the advice of career law enforcement professionals. They have had only one interest -- to ensure that the Secret Service is able to perform its vitally important duties. Any suggestion to the contrary is without foundation.
Charles Ruff
Consider the sexual harassment which continually occurs between a secretary and a boss . . . while objectionable to many women, [it] is not a coercive action. It is rather part of a package deal in which the secretary agrees to all aspects of the job when she agrees to accept the job, and especially when she agrees to keep the job. The office is, after all, private property. The secretary does not have to remain if the 'coercion' is objectionable.
Walter Block
The Secretary, working in the Dismal Swamp betimes next morning, was informed that a youth waited in the hall who gave the name of Sloppy. The footman who communicated this intelligence made a decent pause before uttering the name, to express that it was forced on his reluctance by the youth in question, and that if the youth had had the good sense and good taste to inherit some other name it would have spared the feelings of him the bearer.
Charles Dickens
If I am confirmed as secretary of labor, I intend to keep faith with the men and the women who still work at jobs like those my parents held.
Linda Chavez