Gears Quotes
I'm able to shift gears from mom to performer to mom pretty quickly.
Patience is idling your motor when you feel like stripping a gear.
As some species of plants need to be burned to the ground in order for them to later flourish, I needed to have my ass handed to be in order to get it into gear for the upcoming Sydney Olmpics. Now, I'm on a mission.
Well, if Fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gear.
Power dressing is combat gear for the trip to the top.
I have always adored Mahler, and Mahler was a major influence on the music of the Beatles. John and me used to sit and do the Kindertotenlieder and Wunderhorn for hours, we'd take turns singing and playing the piano. We thought Mahler was gear.
I was not using the gears I usually do for time trials - it was either hard [gear] to pedal, or really low [gear] to pedal; [that] was something special of today.
He lives with his creativity in high gear.
Money spent on good-quality gear is always money well spent
I have a love of gear and pedals, from old pedals to new ones with new sounds. If I get depressed, I start looking for a certain type of pedal, learn the history, who and what it was made for, that kinda thing.
Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings.
I don't just want to be another cog in the gears of Hollywood.
Be the kind of person that sees an obstacle as a Mountain, and throws on their hiking gear
I think poetry is the best thing I do. It's certainly the purest. I seem to switch gears without too much trouble. Non-fiction is in many ways the easiest to write.
I would love to be on 'Top Gear' as a star in a reasonably priced car.
Reality had no gears, and you never knew what surprises would come spinning out of its chaos.
I can only go one way. I've not got a reverse gear.
I just stepped off the show biz bus and changed gears.
I feel like every time I start up, it's like a truck you have to get into 15th gear, so you very solely crank into that mental space where you feel really immersed in the world of the book and then you can just kind of go.