Passports Quotes
My face is my passport.
There's a lot of stuff like that that American's don't know and since a lot of Americans don't have a passport, I'll get a passport for them and since a lot of Americans don't know what a war looks like thirty, forty years later and it's still doing damage.
When you represent a club it's about values and qualities, not about passports.
When somebody has dual citizenship and commits a crime, his Dutch passport should be revoked and he should be deported to the other country, even if he was born here.
Don't be surprised if I demur, for, be advised my passport's green.
When it comes to acid rain or oil spills or depleted fisheries or tainted groundwater or fluorocarbon propellants or radiation leaks or sexually transmitted diseases, national frontiers are simple irrelevant. Toxins don't stop for customs inspections and microbes don't carry passports. North America became a water and free-trade zone long before NAFTA loosened up the market in goods.
A lot of Americans don't have a passport, never will have a passport. Not only will they not travel, they don't want to travel.
Eighty percent of those people with a passport from the Netherlands who go to Syria as jihadists are actually Moroccans.
Most passport pictures are good likenesses, and it is time we faced it.
I have a diplomatic passport for India, diplomatic passport for Albania. I have Vatican passport and to America, I can go any time.
An important Italian critic once gave Fistful of Dollars a very bad review when it came out. Then he went to the university here Rome with Once Upon a Time in America. We showed it to 10,000 students. And while the man was speaking that day to the students, with me present, he said, "I have to state one thing. When I gave that review about Sergio's films, I should have taken into account that on Sergio Leone's passport, there should not be written whether the nationality is Italian or anything else. What should be written is: 'Nationality: Cinema.' "
I have two Filipino nannies who have British passport and not me. I don't need British passport. When you were running around in an animal skin, my ancestors were building the pyramids.
Because I hold an Israeli passport, I have a share in all the wrongs that are done to the Palestinians. . . . I want to be able to say that I did all I could to prevent the bloodshed.