Foundations Quotes
Great persons are great because of good, strong foundations on which they were able to build a character.
Alfred A. Montapert -
The proof of evolution lies in those adaptations that arise from improbable foundations.
Stephen Jay Gould
The foundations of the world will be shaky until the moral props are restored.
Anne O'Hare McCormick -
It's not hard for a city like New York to create a $1.25 million fund. It's not hard for foundations to create funds that invest in diverse founders.
Kathryn Finney -
The religion of Jesus Christ aims at nothing less than the utter overthrow of all other systems of religion in the world; denouncing them as inadequate to the wants of man, false in their foundations, and dangerous in their tendency.
Simon Greenleaf -
Questions of such gravity go down to the very foundations of the government. If the provisions of the Constitution can be set aside by an act of Congress, where is the course of usurpation to end?
Stephen J. Field -
He who today utters a bold truth that seems to shock some old institution with the premonition of destruction, and that scares men from their propriety, will a hundred years hence be regarded as a remarkably conservative man. And yet the people who stand peculiarly upon what they call the foundations of conservatism, and hold to hard, practical facts, now stand upon that which one hundred years ago was rank heresy.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
A man may build as he chooses upon his foundations but he cannot change them or forget them, and if at the last the superstructure of his own building falls about his ears he tends to rediscover them at the end as the only rock he has to cling to.
Elizabeth Goudge
We have such numerous interests in our lives that it is not uncommon, on a single occasion, for the foundations of a happiness that does not yet exist to be laid down alongside the intensification of a grief from which we are still suffering.
Marcel Proust -
The categories within which the colonists thought about the social foundations of politics were inheritances from classical antiquity, reshaped by seventeenth century English thought.
Bernard Bailyn -
Home is the seminary of all other institutions. There are the roots of all public prosperity, the foundations of the State, the germs of the church. There is all that in the child makes the future man; all that in the man makes the good citizen.
Edwin Hubbell Chapin -
My foundations support people in the country who care about an open society. It's their work that I'm supporting. So it's not me doing it. But I can empower them. I can support them, and I can help them.
George Soros -
God finds us in the holes we dig for ourselves. We see failures; He sees foundations.
Bob Goff -
It seems incredible that the trustees of typically American fortune-created foundations should have permitted them to be used to finance ideas and practices incompatible with the fundamental concepts of our Constitution. Yet there seems evidence that this may have occurred.
Norman Dodd