Own Way Quotes
All girls are beautiful in their own way.
Always follow your own heart and go your own way.
Buddhism is all about finding your own way, not imitating the ways of others or even the ways of Buddha himself.
Every ant knows the formula of its ant-hill, every bee knows the formula of its beehive. They know it in their own way, not in our way. Only humankind does not know its own formula.
There's just certain styles of playing that you do play in your own way. Maybe it's in the way your fingers bend, for all I know. And so whenever you pick up the guitar it's not so much the sound of the instrument itself, it's like the ting that you add onto it-the attitude.
I think every Metallica album is unique in its own way.
We do what we want to do. We write songs. We try not to repeat ourselves too much. We have our own sound and our own way of doing things. Up until now it has always been enjoyable. None of the members have ever got to the point where they don't want to be involved in it ... It's not entirely possible for me to stand back and look at the Rolling Stones because being a part of it you can't. I wish that I could just sit in the audience for one night and see the show. Everyone in the band has said that at some point. But then you wouldn't be seeing the whole band. And that's the problem with that.
Even the lowliest, provided he is whole, can be happy, and in his own way, perfect.
That's what's interesting: When you release an album, everyone hears it their own way.
To go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's.
Of the truly creative no one is ever master; it must be left to go its own way.
I got my own way of praying.
I've served on five different juries, and many of them were bonkers in their own way.
I choose to politely ask myself to step aside if I am in my own way. If I do not get out of my way, I choose to call a friend who will have me removed.
Life is for my own to live my own way.
A Fairy must make her own way in the world, for the world will never make way for her. That, incidentally, is the First Theorem of Questing Physicks
Everyone's gotta make their own way.
I think being in the public eye has made me more determined than other people to show that I do belong at the top, and I believe I am one of the hardest-working people at the rink. I feel like I have always been that way, but sometimes I just get in my own way.
Nature goes her own way, and all that to us seems an exception is really according to order.
If you give people light, they will find their own way.
I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled.
For me, as an actor, it's always about getting out of my own way. I can put so much pressure on myself to keep up and make my director happy instead of being in the moment.
In New York City, they have their own way of doing things. Every city and every region should do its own thing.
A plant is like a self-willed man, out of whom we can obtain all which we desire, if we will only treat him his own way.