Youth Quotes
Our youth should also be educated with music and physical education.
Everybody's youth is a dream, a form of chemical madness.
The youth of America is their oldest tradition. It has been going on now for three hundred years.
Old age is ready to undertake tasks that youth shirked because they would take too long.
If we truly want to end youth homelessness... then we have to invest in prevention and support communities as they work to implement these life-changing efforts.
Age has been the perfect fire extinguisher for flaming youth.
To get back one's youth one has merely to repeat one's follies.
Youth is the only thing worth having. When I find that I am growing old, I shall kill myself.
Youth has no age.
I watched my wild youth disappear in front of my eyes. Moments of magic and wonder, it seems so hard to find. Is it ever coming back again?
When I was young my heart was young then, too. And anything that it would tell me, that's the thing that I would do.
Youth all over the world are very hungry to succeed.
Youth is the only thing worth having.
Though leaves are many, the root is one; Through all the lying days of my youth I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun Now I may wither into the truth.
I was not addicted to stealing in my youth, nor have ever been; yet such was the confidence of the Negroes in the neighborhood, even at this early period of my life, in my superior judgment, that they would often carry me with them when they were going on any roguery, to plan for them.
But we never get back our youth… The pulse of joy that beats in us at twenty becomes sluggish. Our limbs fail, our senses rot. We degenerate into hideous puppets, haunted by the memory of the passions of which we were too much afraid, and the exquisite temptations that we had not the courage to yield to.
Realize your youth while you have it. Don’t squander the gold of your days, listening to the tedious, trying to improve the hopeless failure, or giving away your life to the ignorant, the common, and the vulgar. These are the sickly aims, the false ideals, of our age. Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.
The Arab awakening was driven by youth, organized by technology, and fired by a hunger for political change.
The best means of forming a manly, virtuous, and happy people will be found in the right education of youth. Without this foundation, every other means, in my opinion, must fail.
Age considers; youth ventures.
Youth loves honor and victory more than money.
Youth is ever apt to judge in haste, and lose the medium in the wild extreme.
Youth should stay away from all evil, especially things that produce wickedness and ill-will.
Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.