Consultants Quotes
They have so much in-house brainpower that the use of so many consultants is time-wasteful, money-wasteful and lacks of sincerity and integrity.
Beware of lawyers and consultants and people who do not take risks and who do not get their hands dirty.
Our success as consultants will depend upon the essential rightness of the advice we give and our capacity for convincing those in authority that it is good.
A consultant to be worth his salt must give honest judgments not necessarily those which he thinks the clients would like to hear.
A Consultant is a guy who knows 125 different ways to make love, but who doesn't know any women.
For too long, Missouri has been run by career politicians, owned by corrupt consultants, high-paid lobbyists and special interests.
I was involved with Wells Fargo Bank as a consultant in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when I suggested to them that they develop a product that has become known as index funds.
What I really, hugely, and antagonistically dislike is the attempt to quantify the unquantifiable. And if you are a branding consultant, you have to accept that there are a lot of things you just cannot quantify.
Consultants have credibility because they are not dumb enough to work at your company.
Hiring consultants to conduct studies can be an excellent means of turning problems into gold, your problems into their gold.
The consultant's first obligation is to the patient, not to his brother physician.
Bush's life is that a fundamentally decent man presided over a moment when politics got meaner and rougher. '88 was the year of the handler, of bringing in political consultants who played very hard and very tough.
Traditionally games never used professional writers to create their narrative, so there's definitely a residual feeling that hiring a proper writer is somewhat of a luxury, rather than a necessity. Like a feng shui consultant.
Of course there are people out there who are helping others find their why. Some are doing a really great job and some are doing a not so great job. I love the fact there are people out there, and consultants out there doing that.