Invention Quotes
Every child has a dream, to pursue the dream is in every child's hand to make it a reality. One's invention is another's tool.
Go, write it in a martial hand; be curst and brief; it is no matter how witty, so it be eloquent and fun of invention: taunt him with the licence of ink: if thou thou'st him some thrice, it shall not be amiss; and as many lies as will lie in thy shee.
Compound interest on debt was the banker's greatest invention, to capture, and enslave, a productive society.
Necessity used to be the mother of invention, but then we ran out of things that were necessary. The postmodern mother of invention is desire; we don’t really “need” anything new, so we only create what we want.
And yet the true creator is necessity, which is the mother of invention.
Necessity is the mother of all invention.
If you are going to do large-scale invention, you have to be willing to do three things: You must be willing to fail; you have to be willing to think long term; and you have to be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time.
The limited liability corporation is the greatest single invention of modern times.
Invention is by its very nature disruptive. If you want to be understood at all times, then don't do anything new.
O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend The brightest heaven of invention, A kingdom for a stage, princes to act And monarchs to behold the swelling scene!
If Christianity is a mere invention of man, and not a supernatural, divine revelation, how is it that it has wrought such a complete alteration in the state of man kind?
As a child, my mother told me lots of fairy stories, many her own invention. She, too, tended to reverse the norm.
The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention.
I guess they say, "Necessity is the mother of invention" because you have two stark choices when you find yourself in a really desperate situation. You can either fold and cave-in to it or you can become really passionate about getting out of it.
Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.
Have confidence in the inventions and transformations of chance.
Destiny is the invention of the cowardly, and the resigned.
The real abhorrent consequence of the invention of atomic bombs is the fact that we still have them and they're spreading.
We should think about whether canonizations, which are an invention of the Middle Ages, still make sense today.
But I'm an adventurer. I like invention, I like discovery.
Isn't telling about something-using words, English or Japanese-already something of an invention? Isn't just looking upon this world already something of an invention?
If there's a new idea, a new invention, or a new gas, or a new whatever you know, It should be brought at least into the open instead of carrying these same old burdens around with you.
Television has some lovely aspects to it - and some ghastly aspects - but the theater itself was a wonderful invention.
Fancy being remembered around the world for the invention of a mouse!