Composites Quotes
Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often unconcious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character.
The American uppermiddle-class citizen is a composite of negatives. He is largely delineated by what he is not.
No matter how individual we humans are, we are a composite of everything we are aware of. We are a mirror of our times.
I usually base my characters on composites of people I know. One trumpet player in SIDE MAN is really a mix of four different guys I knew growing up. Patsy , the waitress, is a mix of about three different people. I like doing it that way. I start with the characters, as opposed to plot, location, or some visual element. I write more by ear than by eye. I always work on the different sound of each character, trying to make sure each has a specific voice and speech pattern, which some writers could care less about.
Focus group research has created a composite No-Man who resembles no-one anyone has ever met.
Our character is basically a composite of our habits.