Poison Quotes
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.
The spiritual journey, the path of recovery and personal growth, is a detoxification process in which we bring up and out the negative beliefs we have carried with us from the past and that now poison the present.
A tyranny based on ... deception and maintained by terror must inevitably perish from the poison it generates within itself.
The dose makes the poison.
The doctrine of equality! There exists no more poisonous poison: for it seems to be preached by justice itself, while it is the end of justice.
Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Weakness ever sympathizes with vice, because vice is a weakness which assumes the mask of strength. Madness holds reason in horror, and on all subjects it delights in the exaggerations of falsehood. The cause of all bewitchments, the poison of all philtres, the power of all sorcerers are there.
I am especially grateful, however, to have known the fifties, before we began to poison our own civilization - or at least before the effects of the poison began to be felt.
Malice drinketh up the greater part of its own poison.
At first the English were very surprised by our disregarding the Hague Convention. But from 1916 onward they used at least as much poison as we did.
The void created by the failure to communicate is soon filled with poison, drivel and misrepresentation.
The era itself has nothing to do with anything. We weren't really attached to that at all. I just saw this thing where they had a Poison concert on VH1, and to me, that is being attached to an era.
The vilest deeds like poison weeds Bloom well in prison air; It is only what is good in man That wastes and withers there; Pale Anguish keeps the heavy gate And the Warder is Despair.
When the friendly jailer gave Socrates the poison cup to drink, the jailer said: "Try to bear lightly what needs must be." Socrates did. He faced death with a calmness and resignation that touched the hem of divinity.
Authority poisons everybody who takes authority on himself.
The strongest poison ever known came from Caesar's laurel crown.
It's a terrible poison, writing.
She was poison in a pretty bottle.
I've banged my head quite a bit. I liked Iron Maiden, Ozzy, AC/DC. And of course, Ratt and Poison.
In you, humanity is precarious; and so, in dread and in shame, you kill the animal in you. And its slaughter poisons you.
The vacuum created by a failure to communicate will quickly be filled with rumor, misrepresentations, drivel, and poison.
Oh, yes, we were on location with Another Man's Poison, which I wrote for Bette Davis.
Men become accustomed to poison by degrees.