Capturing Quotes
You dont make music for immortality you make music for the moment of capturing the sheer joy of being alive on planet earth, WOW! is this fun... this is just the greatest everybody should live it that way.
Things have to be believable, not in a literal, photographic sense, but in an emotional sense - capturing the essence of the situation.
The truth is a trap: you cannot get it without it getting you; you cannot get the truth by capturing it, only by its capturing you.
I'm into capturing the moment. Sometimes, I'll rip the camera out of my assistant's hands and he'll be shouting, But there's no film in the camera! and I think, Never mind! Let's go.
I got very keen on biography because I wanted to change it. I wanted to stretch the form. I think of it as a way of capturing souls.
A British declaration be taken against Martinez for 'capturing and robbing us.
It's more about capturing an idea than about capturing a moment.