Relive Quotes
This was the best - and the worst - decade of my life. I’m not sure I could relive it - but I’d like to believe it’s made me a better person, husband, and father. I’d also like to believe that the next decade will be better for having lived this one. Let’s find out.
I have a lot of good days I'd like to relive, but that the day my daughter was born was one that's still with me.
That's what hell means, perhaps, being compelled not just to live but to relive.
And—for the longest second—how he’d wanted to jump in an ocean, scrub himself raw until all of his skin was gone so he could grow a new outer shell, a shell that man hadn’t touched, and he hated how everything came back to him in an instant almost as if it wasn’t a memory at all but a moment in time he was condemned to live and relive, a scene in his life he’d have to step into over and over again until he got his lines right, but he would always get it wrong.
Nothing is worth more than this day. You cannot relive yesterday. Tomorrow is still beyond your reach.