FBI Quotes
Researchers looked at news programs on major broadcast and cable networks between 2008 and 2012 and found that of those labeled as domestic terrorists, 81% were identifiable as Muslims - this despite the fact that FBI reports from the period studied revealed that only 6% of domestic terrorist suspects were Muslim.
Ibrahim Hooper
A document was drafted in the State Department in July 1946 by an official named Samuel Klaus. This indicated that there were then 20 alleged Soviet agents, 13 alleged Communists, about a dozen sympathizers, and about 75 suspects in the department, according to the FBI.
M. Stanton Evans
FBI wants to know everything about you, and you're not supposed to know anything about them.
William Binney
The president has a duty and a right to oversee the FBI, and you know, he properly delegate the law enforcement to the FBI and try to insulate it from politics. But that's not to curb the president's authority over the FBI. So if he wants to meet with the FBI and give his opinion or even talk about his hopes, if indeed, he said that, he has every right to do so.
Laura Ingraham
Attorney General Ashcroft and FBI director Mueller warned that intelligence from multiple sources.
Keith Olbermann
Well, I think we're getting what we want, we're getting the information that's in it and getting the reasons why there's a big difference between the attorney general and the FBI director and that's the main thrust of our hearing and everything else to find out why there's this big difference and so the committee knows, the Congress knows and the American people know.
Dan Burton
She shook her head slowly. “I don’t believe you. You can’t be a cop.” “Not a cop.” “Federal agent?” “FBI.” “Even more unlikely.” “J. Edgar rolls over in his grave every day, but that’s the way it is.
Sandra Brown
They FBI had a lot of clippings, a lot of articles I'd written. And to me the - the funniest one was - I had done a piece for Playboy about J. Edgar Hoover.
Nat Hentoff
Two days later, FBI director Mueller declares that another terrorist attack is 'inevitable.'
Keith Olbermann
I think that now is the moment for us to rededicate ourselves to learning the truth about what happened on February 21st [when Malcolm X was killed]. The place to begin is to make all evidence public, and we have to begin with the federal government, and the FBI.
Manning Marable
I can assure the American people that the men and women of the FBI, starting from the director, all the way on down, are going to follow our oaths and do our jobs.
Christopher Wray
Well, it was hard to find anybody, but I called my high school boyfriend and said, 'Can you tell the FBI what I was doing in the summer of '52?' And he said, 'Sure, if you'll remind me.' And I did, and he did, and -- that was fine.
Alice Rivlin