Boxing Quotes
Before boxing, I was this angry kid ready to fight if someone said, 'Hello.'
When I have a few weeks off, I catch up with my friends, but after a week or so, I just can't wait to get back in to the boxing club and start training.
I earned a black belt when I was in high school. And I did a lot of boxing and full contact karate in college.
People say it's a movie about boxing, but... I don't agree at all. I don't think it's a movie about boxing. Boxing is like a platform. It's just a stage where this is played out.
I like boxing.
My goal in boxing is to be the best.
When I first asked my boxing coach, two-time Olympic champion Hector Vinent, what made the Cuban style of fighting distinct from the rest of the world, he smiled and told me to sit on a bench in Prado and watch the Cuban women walk.
Boxing makes you kind of tight, so it's really good to mix that with barre, Pilates, or something that'll stretch you out and make you longer. I'm not the person that loves to be in the gym so much. I like to mix it up as much as possible; otherwise, I'll get bored.
Without boxing, I can't live. I love boxing.
You're clearing your mind during a workout. Boxing is a great sport for girls; it's really safe.
I'm not here to judge Mike Tyson. I'm not here to judge nobody. I'm not here to monitor no other fighters. I respect him for what he did in the sport of boxing. He was an entertainer.
Boxing is a lonely sport.
I do boxing; I do a little jiu jitsu, which I am obsessed with.
I love challenges, I love intensity, and I also like to challenge my mind. Believe it or not, boxing is not only about physical force. You use a lot of concentration; it's really mental.
I was bullied by a few people who were much older than me. I went to camp to learn boxing. I was 12, and my coach was 24. I felt like if I could fight him, I could stand up to anyone.
I've always found boxing to be an incredibly pure sport. The level of character of most fighters I find very high. And it's just the best workout you can get.
There are a lot of things and in order to be at the top and maintain your focus you have to have something that motivates you. For me, it was what I perceived as a lack of respect from the boxing world as well as the media, which made me want to work so hard and be great.
My son, Jett, is two, and when I was pregnant my nose got bigger, so I got a new one. Everything was bigger for a while after having Jet, but I knew I needed to be able to walk up my stairs without being winded. It took me two years to lose 60 lbs - lots of walking, bike-riding, kick-boxing and performing.
He has turned defensive boxing into a poetic art. Trouble is, nobody ever knocked anybody out with a poem.
Boxing is my real passion. I can go to ballet, theatre, movies, or other sporting events... and nothing is like the fights to me. I'm excited by the visual beauty of it. A boxer can look so spectacular by doing a good job.
You going to call me arrogant for believing in myself? Come on! It's a competitive sport. Rappin' is the closest thing to boxing. Jay-Z said that. You gotta fight every day.
I got into shape because I took kick-boxing lessons every day to prepare for a fight scene with Taylor Lautner. I really wanted to lie down and eat Chinese food, but I kick-boxed every morning and ran. If someone was filming you with your kit off, you'd do the same thing.
The boxing game has been good, so we need to give back. We have to teach young men how to be men.
Where in normal neighborhoods, they would play stick ball and hockey and baseball, we used to slap box and bring boxing gloves down the street and box each other.