Concept Quotes
The stakeholder concept was originally defined as "those groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist." The list of stakeholders originally included shareowners, employees, customers, suppliers, lenders and society. Stemming from the work of Igor Ansoff and Robert Stewart (in the planning department at Lockheed) and, later Marion Doscher and Stewart at SRI, the original approach served an important information function in the SRI corporate planning.
R. Edward Freeman
Freedom is too abstract a concept: You can’t eat it, fuck it, sit under it when it rains or even do very much with it besides get in trouble and have it taken away from you again.
Cintra Wilson
Considered logically this concept is not identical with the totality of sense impressions referred to; but it is an arbitrary creation of the human or animal mind.
Albert Einstein
If we had adhered to the concept of connectedness, then we would not have created nuclear weapons, huge armies and global warming.
Satish Kumar
There is no such thing as a value-free concept of deviance; to say homosexuals are deviant because they are a statistical minority is, in practice, to stigmatize them. Nuns are rarely classed as deviants for the same reason, although if they obey their vows they clearly differ very significantly from the great majority of people.
Dennis Altman
There are only two things wrong with C++: The initial concept and the implementation.
Bertrand Meyer
I created the title, masthead, the format and concept, as well as the Batman figure and costume. Robin, the boy wonder, was also my idea.
Bob Kane
All our thoughts and concepts are called up by sense-experiences and have a meaning only in reference to these sense-experiences. On the other hand, however, they are products of the spontaneous activity of our minds; they are thus in no wise logical consequences of the contents of these sense-experiences. If, therefore, we wish to grasp the essence of a complex of abstract notions we must for the one part investigate the mutual relationships between the concepts and the assertions made about them; for the other, we must investigate how they are related to the experiences.
Albert Einstein
I don't buy into that whole concept of success that I have this mountain with this moat around it and then I get into my big car and drive to my destination and never see people. That's not my concept of success.
Lauryn Hill
I think that with this team, we honestly worry about other things besides team concepts.
Allen Iverson