Penis Quotes
If a woman is old enough to push a ten-pound child through her birth canal, she can hear words like ‘penis’ and ‘cervix.’ These are medical terms, Miss Charingford, not obscenities.
Are you sure that’s meat? That looks like a penis.
Objecting to the diagnosis of penis envy was a sure sign of penis envy.
Here's one, here's one! When my boyfriend and I have sex, his penis sometimes slips out!
Oh, thank God. It wasn’t the penis talk.
I heard this one rumour that I have a small penis. That's just fuckin' ridiculous.
Boys have penises and girls have vaginas. If they touch at the wrong time, you can make a baby or die.
I think anyone who stops at a gas station at night is up to no good. I think that if cops want to stop drunk driving, they should hide out in the bushes at the Taco Bell drive-through. I think if you're a guy and you pull down your pants and the girl you're with starts texting, you have a small penis.