Problems Quotes
Most people are middle class. Most people do wish their lives were better than they are. And I think by making my main characters ordinary, average guys, it helps readers identify with their problems. It also helps ground the supernatural events that follow in a recognizable reality and perhaps gives some of my wilder scenarios a little verisimilitude.
Bentley Little -
People can help solve these problems, ... This is the power of our user base, rather than just using brute force and algorithmic search, although this is still important.
Bradley Horowitz
It is the first of all problems for a man to find out what kind of work he is to do in this universe.
Thomas Carlyle -
We suddenly saw how people reacted in the event of massive social upheaval, and the way that the little problems in your life don't go away. You don't stop being frightened of spiders just because the world's blown up.
Simon Pegg -
Nationalism: One of the effective ways in which the modern man escapes life's ethical problems.
Reinhold Niebuhr -
If I am practicing spiritual poverty, which says that I own nothing, then the problems aren't mine and neither are the energy and compassion pouring through my heart to try to solve them. I am just a link in the process. If I don't take anything personally, then I can do great work without flagging. The Dalai Lama once said, 'Try with all your might - to work very, very hard - to make the world a better place, and if all your efforts are to no avail . . . no hard feelings!'
Bo Lozoff -
Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.
George Wald -
Questions are not happenstance thoughts nor are questions common problems of today which one picks up from hearsay and booklearning and decks out with a gesture of profundity questions grow out of confrontation with the subject matter and the subject matter is there only where eyes are, it is in this manner that questions will be posed and all the more considering that questions that have today fallen out of fashion in the great industry of problems. One stands up for nothing more than the normal running of the industry. Philosophy interprets its corruption as the resurrection of metaphysics.
Martin Heidegger
And once again Mr. Sherlock Holmes is free to devote his life to examining those interesting little problems which the complexity of human life so pletifuly presents.
Arthur Conan Doyle -
Anytime money is your main focus, I think we all come to problems.
Richard Phillips -
Questions are taken for granted rather than given a starring role in the human drama. Yet all my teaching and consulting experience has taught me that what builds a relationship, what solves problems, what moves things forward is asking the right questions.
Edgar Schein -
I have been working on two problems for three years: one of them for 8 or 9 years, and one of them for 3, 4, 5 years.
Bailey Whitfield Diffie -
The big question isn't whether you have problems; the all-important factor is your attitude toward problems. How you think of the problem is more important than the problem itself.
Norman Vincent Peale -
You have problems, you think drink helps, then you have two problems.
George Peppard
Even if you're Bill Gates, you've got problems. I'm sure he would probably easily give a few billion dollars to get rid of all the problems that he has.
Benjamin Carson -
We have mountain of debt that isn't going away and all the problems are here to stay, and anybody who tells you that is a good thing ought to get out of the business of helping the government down the road.
Rick Santelli -
Bill Clinton was in the line of great progressive presidents who faced the realities in his own time and applied innovative solutions to problems.
Sidney Blumenthal -
No matter how big you think your problems are, someone else's problems could always be bigger, which makes yours relatively small!
Brenda Jackson -
I'm someone who doesn't believe in making my problems other people's problems.
Tom Cruise -
N.W.A. were the first great rap audio documentarians of the problems in our inner cities.
Jerry Heller
We come in early to make sure the project is workable. We identify problems early so keep the project on track.
Chris Smith -
Pressure & problems are just opportunities for you to develop. The Lord has equipped you to move forward.
Creflo A. Dollar -
We encountered an awful lot of problems from the drastic leap we took with Wind Waker. I think we will be a bit more careful in the future, but if we find a new approach that not just the developers, but also the users would enjoy then I think we will want to break new ground again. But we haven’t found such an approach yet.
Eiji Aonuma -
When you're stuck sitting in a comfort zone, small problems become magnified. Get out of your comfort zone, touch the edge, and you come back with an appreciation for life.
Barbara Warren