Dice Quotes
One who doesn't throw the dice can never expect to score a six.
It's a roll of the dice when you're a first time director so I prefer to work with people that know more than I do, but that happens less and less as you get older.
It seems hard to sneak a look at God's cards. But that He plays dice and uses 'telepathic' methods... is something that I cannot believe for a single moment. moment.
I shall never believe that God plays dice with the world.
Gambling with cards or dice or stocks is all one thing. It's getting money without giving an equivalent for it.
You believe in the God who plays dice, and I in complete law and order in a world that objectively exists, and which I, in a wildly speculative way, am trying to capture. ... Even the great initial success of the quantum theory does not make me believe in the fundamental dice-game, although I am well aware that our younger colleagues interpret this as a consequence of senility. No doubt the day will come when we will see whose instinctive attitude was the correct one.
I moved on from dice baseball to 'MLB: The Show' on PlayStation.
They can hop on a line and really dice it up out there.
The dice of Zeus always fall luckily.
Death and the dice level all distinctions.
The courts are no longer cathedrals. They are...casinos where the throw of the dice matters.
It's because you have no power. You give them all the material and the cinematographer, the director, the editor, boy what they can choose... You better hope they like you because they can slice and dice and make you look like a damn fool when your face and body are up there on a 30-foot screen.
God casts the die, not the dice.
Life is like a dice, so watch the ones you're rolling with.
They came out into the sunshine and the wind, one after the other like dice falling from a cup.
God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with the prime numbers.
It's not whether God plays dice; it's how God plays dice.
Their continued presence here, trapped in Chambers, with gunmen firing around them, demonstrated to him that there was no ultimate being. It was all in the roll of the dice.
Football is like chess, only without the dice.
I loved Dungeons & Dragons. Actually, not so much the actual playing as the creation of characters and the opportunity to roll twenty-sided dice. I loved those pouches of dice Dungeon Masters would trundle around, loved choosing what I was going to be: warrior, wizard, dwarf, thief.
While Bradshaw applauded McNabb for playing hurt, he offered this dose of reality for the Eagles If he doesn't stay healthy, it's over, ... What are you going to do You roll the dice.
Not only does God play dice, but... he sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.
Stop telling God what to do with his dice.