Harm Quotes
Beauty is the only thing that time cannot harm. Philosophies fall away like sand, creeds follow one another, but what is beautiful is a joy for all seasons, a possession for all eternity.
I only wish that ordinary people had an unlimited capacity for doing harm; then they might have an unlimited power for doing good.
One doesn’t have to operate with great malice to do great harm. The absence of empathy and understanding are sufficient. In fact, a man convinced of his virtue even in the midst of his vice is the worst kind of man.
The crude commercialism of America, its materialising spirit, its indifference to the poetical side of things, and its lack of imagination and of high unattainable ideals, are entirely due to that country having adopted for its national hero a man who, according to his own confession, was incapable of telling a lie, and it is not too much to say that the story of George Washington and the cherry-tree has done more harm, and in a shorter space of time, than any other moral tale in the whole of literature.
One who loves God sees everything in relation to God. Therefore, their love flows spontaneously toward everyone, at all times, everywhere. They even love those who wish them harm. If you love God, you can't hate anything or anyone. If the love one offers is met with hate, it doesn't die; rather, it manifests in the form.
Now, nothing should be able to harm a man except himself. Nothing should be able to rob a man at all. What a man really has, is what is in him. What is outside of him should be a matter of no importance.
It is not easy for a person to do any great harm when his tenure of office is short, whereas long possession begets tyranny.
To harm another is to harm oneself.
I don't want to say anything because I know I am unable to protect you from the harm that I see.
That is all the National Parks are about. Use, but do no harm.
One fake friend can do more harm than 10 enemies... Be smart choosing your friends.
The unspoken word never does harm.
A bad man can do a million times more harm than a beast.
Where you go, I go, What you see, I see, I know I'd never be me without the security, Are your loving arms keeping me from harm Put your hands in my hand & we'll stand.
I smoke herb, but what's the harm it that?
Now that the House of Commons is trying to become useful, it does a great deal of harm.
'A woman can forgive a man for the harm he does her,' he said, 'but she can never forgive him for the sacrifices he makes on her account.'
I think we have to secure our borders and make sure that people coming in are coming here not to do us harm.
Though music oft hath such a charm to make bad good, and good provoke to harm.
My choice is what I choose to do and if I'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be and if you're causin' no harm, then your alright with me.
I got shot. I always felt like I'd be shot. Somebody was trying to do me some harm because a lot of people don't like me. But I didn't think it was gonna happen at that particular moment.
It's hard for me to believe someone could harm a child.
If we have isolated individuals able to inflict enormous harm, imagine what a single lunatic can do with a nuclear weapon. I think the whole base of civil society is at risk.
I would rather my soul broil in hell than I do you any harm.