Contemplation Quotes
The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation rather than upon mere survival.
For contemplation is both the highest form of activity, since the intellect is the highest thing in us, and the objects that it apprehends are the highest things that can be known, and also it is the most continuous, because we are more capable of continuous contemplation than we are of any practical activity.
That virtue therefore which is but a youngling in the contemplation of evil, and knows not the utmost that vice promises to her followers, and rejects it, is but a blank virtue, not a pure; her whiteness is but an excremental whiteness.
By constant contemplation of excellence, we clear our selfhood of all dross and impurities.
The contemplation of beauty causes the soul to grow wings.
The world can only be grasped by action, not by contemplation.
Worship is adoring contemplation of God.
The contemplation of this world beckoned as a liberation. The road to this paradise was not as comfortable and alluring as the road to the religious paradise; but it has shown itself reliable, and I have never regretted having chosen it.
Him that yon soars on golden wing, guiding the fiery-wheelèd throne, the Cherub Contemplation.
Contemplation is a luxury, requiring time and alternatives.
In this state of absorbed contemplation, there is no longer any question of holding an object in view; the vision is such that seeing and seen are one; object and act of vision have become identical.
The act of contemplation then creates the thing created.
To arrive at the simplest truth requires years of contemplation.
But for me I think it's just about taking that time of reflection and contemplation. That's probably my process in every decision that I make: to make sure that I spend time just with myself, and really times of silence and mediation to go through that process; and music is a big part of that as well.
Most true happiness comes from one's inner life, from the disposition of the mind and soul. Admittedly, a good inner life is difficult to achieve, especially in these trying times. It takes reflection and contemplation and self-discipline.
There always comes a time when one must choose between contemplation and action. This is called becoming a man.
Art is contemplation of the world in a state of grace and imaginatively reflecting that subjective understanding.
I have written the little work that follows . . . in the role of one who strives to raise his mind to the contemplation of God and one who seeks to understand what he believes.
The contemplation of beauty, whether it be a uniquely tinted sunset, a radiant face, or a work of art, makes us glance back unwittingly at our personal past and juxtapose ourselves and our inner being with the utterly unattainable beauty revealed to us.
Their savage eyes turned to a modest gaze by the sweet power of music.
The Chautauqua Institution is truly a national treasure. It is a place for contemplation and a place for reflection, a place where platitudes and slogans can be set aside and be replaced by thoughtfulness and introspection.
The activity of God, which is transcendent in blessedness, is the activity of contemplation; and therefore among human activities that which is most akin to the divine activity of contemplation will be the greatest source of happiness.
I believe that one thinks much more soundly if the thoughts arise from direct contact with things, than if one looks at things with the aim of finding this or that in them.
There are five stages of meditation, each one leading gradually into the next: concentration, meditation, contemplation, illumination, and inspiration.