Processing Quotes
With a little more tweaking, we could make orange juice in the orange without any packaging or processing.
Homaro Cantu
An individual's ability to draw is... the ability to shift to a different-from-ordinary way of processing visual information - to shift from verbal, analytic processing to spatial, global processing.
Betty Edwards
Integrity is not a character trait that one possesses more or less of but a sophisticated state of processing experience in the world one enters into in varying degrees. Integrating is a major developmental task at every stage of life.
David A. Kolb
The more we remember, the better we are at processing the world. And the better we are at processing the world, the more we can remember about it.
Joshua Foer
Under no circumstances should doodling be eradicated from a classroom or a boardroom or even the war room. On the contrary, doodling should be leveraged in precisely those situations where information density is very high and the need for processing that information is very high.
Sunni Brown
Some things just take time to process, and one must have healthy boundaries of time and space in place in order to do so. Simply put: BOUNDARIES + PROCESSING = BUFFERING Buffering is that time you spend waiting for the pixels of your life to crystallize into a clearer picture; it’s a time of reflection, a time of pause, a time for regaining your composure or readjusting your course. We all have a limited amount of mental and emotional bandwidth, and some of life’s episodes take a long time to fully load.
Hannah Hart