Imitate Quotes
A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
Don't look at all at what other people are doing. Think of what you're doing as completely fresh because if you imitate you're dead.
I am the first instrument. I am the voice. I do not imitate other instruments. Other instruments imitate me.
So while you're imitating Al Capone, I'll be Nina Simone And defecating on your microphone.
We didn't set out to imitate or parody ourselves.
There's so much that has been before the human race, and just contemplating that and then the earliest forms of communication, hand claps, body slaps and then ultimately the drum, which was really the first way that man could imitate the first sound they heard: their mothers heartbeat.
Whomsoever you follow, howsoever great, see to it that you follow the spirit of the master and not imitate him mechanically.
Men will imitate and admire his unmoved firmness, his inflexible conscience for the right; and yet his gentleness, as tender as a woman's, his moderation of spirit, which not all the heat of party could inflame, nor all the jars and disturbances of this country shake out of its place: I swear you to an emulation of his justice, his moderation, and his mercy.
Never imitate the eccentricities of genius, but toil after it in its truer flights. They are not so easy to follow, but they lead to higher regions.
It is always better to imitate a successful man than to envy him.
You may imitate, but never counterfeit.
A prince being thus obliged to know well how to act as a beast must imitate the fox and the lion, for the lion cannot protect himself from snares, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves.
Well, you might as well imitate your own program because if you don't, someone else will.
We have to be careful in this era of radical feminism, not to emphasize an equality of the sexes that leads women to imitate men to prove their equality. To be equal does not mean you have to be the same.
Children like to work, and are always eager to imitate the work of adults.
One must not imitate the sun, one must make oneself into a sun
So it's a dangerous thing and conversely, the other thing I mentioned in that post was that people see guys who are kind of in touch with that and become famous for it and then think maybe they can get in on it. Maybe they're not quite as cynical as that and there's some sincerity about them, but they don't really get it so they just imitate what they've seen from people who've done it before and of course you can make big money that way.
I try to follow his example, not to imitate him.
I have noticed that no sooner do people embark on a course of action which they do not find wholly satisfactory than they muster every argument to persuade others to imitate it.
I couldn't imitate anyone if I wanted to.