Resignation Quotes
A good supply of resignation is of the first importance in providing for the journey of life.
I think my resignation was the only way to avoid bloodshed.
Fear is a habit, so is self pity, defeat, anxiety, despair, hopelessness and resignation. You can eliminate all of these negative habits with two simple resolves: I can and I will.
According to the papers, I'm miserable, alienated, and on the brink of resignation. But that's simply not where I am.
I have... submitted the resignation of the government, and I have declared that I will not be a candidate to head the (next) government.
But the days passed, and expectations gave way to resignation—the hopeless resignation of the old, sometimes miscalled apathy.
Nichelle Nichols had decided leave the original Star Trek series after the first season. Fed up with racist harassment and limitation, culminating with her learning that studio executives were withholding her fan mail, she submitted her resignation. She withdrew it when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. convinced her that her role was too important a cultural breakthrough to leave.
Collectively, we must do more than simply watch, with resignation and a feeling of powerlessness, reports on the evening news about the latest terrorist atrocity.
Just as in the great moment of resignation one does not mediate but chooses, now the task is to gain proficiency in repeating the impassioned choice and, existing, to express it in existence.
It would have been a good resignation speech for a president leaving office because of illness, or for one who had lost congressional support because of differences over policies. It was not the speech of a president who had violated his constitutional oath and duty by obstructing justice, by abusing the power of his office, by transforming the Oval Office into a mean den where perjury and low scheming became a way of life.
resignation, perhaps the most stifling word in the language.
Resignation is a daily suicide.
Science is the most intimate school of resignation and humility, for it teaches us to bow before the seemingly most insignificant of facts.
You tell me: 'Life is hard to bear.' But if it were otherwise why should ou have your pride in the morning nad your resignation in the evening?
Time brought resignation and a melancholy sweeter than common joy.
Misfortunes, in fine, cannot be avoided; but they may be sweetened, if not overcome, and our lives made happy by philosophy.
I refuse to accept Pluto's resignation as a planet.
The only true retirement is that of the heart; the only true leisure is the repose of the passions. To such persons it makes little difference whether they are young or old; and they die as they have lived, with graceful resignation.
Even before Watergate and his resignation, Nixon had inspired conflicting and passionate emotions.
Despair is an act of resignation I am not willing to make.
Only one thing is necessary in your anguish: bear everything with resignation to the Divine Will; for this will help you to attain your eternal salvation. Hope with a lively faith and you will receive everything from Almighty God.
The word “bollocks” is one of the most beautiful and flexible in the English language. It can be used to express emotional states ranging from ecstatic surprise to weary resignation in the face of inevitable disaster.
As long as I live under the capitalistic system I expect to have my life influenced by the demands of moneyed people. But I will be damned if I propose to be at the beck and call of every itinerant scoundrel who has two cents to invest in a postage stamp. This, sir, is my resignation.
I have often observed that resignation is never so perfect as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our eyes.