Nuclear War Quotes
Nixon did have a secret plan, and I knew that it involved making threats of nuclear war to North Vietnam.
No one in a novel by Virginia Woolf ever filled up the petrol tank of her car. No one in Hemingway's postwar novels ever worried about the effects of prolonged exposure to the threat of nuclear war.
The threat of nuclear war isn't nearly as important as the threat of the destruction of our resource base which sustains us.
Donald Trump even said, well, you know, if there were nuclear war in East Asia, well, you know, that's fine have a good time, folks.
The last major childhood disease remains and it's the worst of them all: nuclear war.
[Nuclear war]... may not be desirable.
Today, we take the risk of nuclear war quite seriously, climate change not so much and epidemics least of all. But no single country, not even the United States, is well prepared. And even if one country is doing the right things to protect itself, it has to be a global thing.
The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind.
In an all-out nuclear war, more destructive power than in all of World War II would be unleashed every second during the long afternoon it would take for all the missiles and bombs to fall. A World War II every second-more people killed in the first few hours than all the wars of history put together. The survivors, if any, would live in despair amid the poisoned ruins of a civilization that had committed suicide.
The chapter ends by showing that nuclear war more closely approximates the model of torture than the model of conventional war because it is a structural impossibility that the populations whose bodies are used in the confirmation process can have exercised any consent over this use of their bodies.
I have this very positive view of the world getting better and better. The list of things that could be huge setbacks is not very long: A nuclear war, climate change and epidemics.