Grapes Quotes
If ever we are going to be made into wine, we will have to be crushed; you cannot drink grapes. Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed. I wonder what kind of finger and thumb God has been using to squeeze you, and you have been like a marble and escaped?
I have even written a book about Wine called The Grapes of Ralph.
I watched Picasso visit the Planet of the Apes, as the masters rot on walls and the angels eat the grapes.
When I was younger we had a grape arbor, and my mom would go out and pick grapes and make grape jam in the sink - boil it, put it in jars, and give it away as gifts.
People aren't grapes - you can't weigh them in a bunch, but I guess it's easier than dealing with people as individuals.
You know the type: loud as a motorbike but wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight.
Cheese and jam are really nice. Cheese and apple as well. Cheese and grapes are good.
So I got into growing grapes, not realizing that there was a heck of a lot more to it than meets the eye.
always there is a sort of dream of air between you and the hills of California, a veil of unreality in the intervening air. It gives the hills the bloom that peaches have, or grapes in the dew.
A real fox calls sour not only those grapes that he cannot reach but also those that he has reached and taken away from others.
I am certain that the good Lord never intended grapes to be made into grape jelly.
I can put two and two together, you know. Do not think you are dealing with a man who has lost his grapes.
The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes.
Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed.
Those times when I play on stage in front of lots of people, it's such an unusual and borderline unhealthy process, even though I love it and I really do it with humility. I don't have serfs getting me grapes after, or things like that.
When I was four years old my mother led me to the park. The spring sunshine was not too warm. The street was almost empty. The witch in my fairy-book came walking along. She stooped to fish some mouldy grapes out of the gutter.
I went to the juice isle, I learned something. Cranberries are taking over everything. What do you got, apples? Put some cranberrise in there, make it 50/50. Cran-apple. Grapes? Cran-grape. Mangos? Cran-mango. Pork chops? Cran-chop!
The best medicine against the grapes of wrath is a whiff of grapeshot.
To the eyes of a miser a guinea is more beautiful than the sun, and a bag worn with the use of money has more beautiful proportions than a vine filled with grapes.
Therell always be some weird thing about eating four grapes before you go to bed, or drinking a special tea, or buying this little bean from El Salvador.
What I do and what I dream include thee, as the wine must taste of its own grapes.
My only grudge against nature was that I could not turn my Lolita inside out and apply voracious lips to her young matrix, her unknown heart, her nacreous liver, the sea-grapes of her lungs, her comely twin kidneys.
I hate to cry and I hate to sound like sour grapes, but no one ever listens to me. No one ever hears what I have to say.
Flat fields produce mediocre grapes, but rolling hills produce the greatest grapes. Why? Because the vines must struggle for survival.