Big Brother Quotes
I didn't set out to be famous; if I'd wanted that, I would have gone on 'Big Brother.'
Google keeps their formulas secret even as they devour more of our habits. CEO Eric Schmidt believes that what customers want is for Google to “tell them what they should be doing next.” Such pronouncements awaken fears of Big Brother or The Matrix. We may need to reclaim our agency, our responsibility.
Big Brother doesn't like all these Little Brothers looking at it.
Willie's like a big brother to me. I came to him and I said I really wanted to be his understudy, learn the ins and outs of not just the game, but life outside the game, handling yourself off the field, handling your finances and then just handling yourself as a person and he's doing a great job of teaching me.
It's not Big Brother that we now have to be afraid of, but Big Browser.
What we love is that Glenn Geller admits to being a superfan of Big Brother and obviously he seems to be a big fan of reality TV, which is fabulous. He's been really, really excited and has just been smiling through all of our meetings so it's always a lot of fun.
I am not interested in power for power's sake. Only interested in power that will allow people to liberate themselves from Big Brother.