Amendment Quotes
The Fourth Amendment is on life support and the chief agent of that is the National Security Agency.
There is no requirement that police stop a person who enters a police station and states that he wishes to confess a crime or a person who calls the police to offer a confession because volunteered statements of any kind are not barred by the 5th Amendment.
I found a mistake in a rule. They addressed the wrong rule number... I pointed it out, did an amendment, and everybody was happy after that.
They're likely to win, because the courts are increasingly interpreting advertising speech as something that's covered by the First Amendment.
If you're not going to offend somebody you don't need the First Amendment.
I oppose a constitutional amendment against gay marriage.
A school prayer amendment would confer upon public school boards a power the First Amendment now denies to Congress and the states, that is, the power to establish religion.
In 1979, the Supreme Court ruled 5-3 in Smith v. Maryland that a few days' worth of phone records for a single individual were not protected by the Fourth Amendment. The NSA today, though, collects hundreds of millions of phone records from hundreds of millions of Americans without an individualized warrant.
Hillary essentially wants to abolish the Second Amendment.
Well for one, the 13th amendment to the constitution of the US which abolished slavery - did not abolish slavery for those convicted of a crime.
From the outside, it looks like this amendment to the complaint was merely for manipulating the sentence.
The want of proper examination, true contrition, and a firm purpose of amendment, is the cause of bad confessions, and of the ruin of souls.
Just think - guns have a constitutional amendment protecting them and women don't.
Proponents cleverly wrapped the word reform around the amendment, ... But calling a mule a thoroughbred doesn't make it one.
During the Suffragette revolt of 1913 I[urged] that what was needed was not the vote, but a constitutional amendment enactingthat all representative bodies shall consist of women and men in equal numbers, whether elected or nominated or coopted or registered or picked up in the street like a coroner's jury. In the case of elected bodies the only way of effecting this is by the Coupled Vote. The representative unit must not be a man or a woman but a man and a woman.
All of us are sympathetic to the class-size amendment. But each university has classroom needs, too.
Donald Trump is a staunch believer in the Second Amendment.
I believe in the soul, the ****, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
We are going to have a long period where people are accustomed or conditioned to what's going on now with the raping of the Fourth Amendment.
Commanding goodness and forbiding to do evil (are) for the amendment and correction of society and the common folks.
I was lecturing at the Columbia Journalism School of Education. I asked them about what was happening to the Fourth Amendment. I said, "By the way, do you know what is in the Fourth Amendment?" One student responded, "Is that the right to bear arms?" It's hard to believe these are bright students.
Certainly, there's a possibility of an amendment, that's something we're looking at.
I believe America went wrong in terms of respecting the First Amendment, the state of free speech on American college campuses and on the media and in academia.
History has shown us that, on extraordinarily rare occasions, it becomes necessary for the federal government to intervene on behalf of individuals whose 14th Amendment rights to legal due process and equal protection may be violated by a state.