Policies Quotes
A master of improvised speech and improvised policies.
Women are living independently, but we don't yet have the social and economic policies behind us to support that independence.
The policies of all powers are inherent in their geography.
I am often critical of Israel's policies when in the country, but then feel defensive of them when overseas.
New Labour was the most short-sighted, self-serving, incompetent, useless, and ineffective government that Britain has ever known. Make no mistake, Labour's economic policies were a national security liability.
I am not going to stop speaking out on behalf of policies that I think are right - regardless of ideology, party or political expediency.
If the world is to avoid a collision with nature - one that humanity surely cannot win - we must act boldly on every front, particularly with respect to carbon pricing and the coherence of our economic and energy policies.
Hate, emotionalism, and frustration are not policies.
We want all the information because we do intend to get to the bottom of why some of these insurance policies have lapsed.
Slavery, Confederate Vice-President Alexander H. Stephens proudly affirmed, was the cornerstone of the Confederacy. Accordingly, slavery's disintegration compelled the Confederate government to take steps to save the institution, and these policies, in turn, sundered white society.
There's always cause for concern if bad policies are pursued.
I tend to agree with many aspects of President Obama's policies.
I don't have any authority to talk about the domestic policies of America. But as an outsider, I am mystified by the fact that you are encouraged to buy a gun, but if you use it for the purpose that it is expressly designed for, you get the death penalty. That aspect of America is kind of mystifying.
I believe that the root cause of every financial crisis, the root cause, is flawed government policies.
To invest in countries that are pursuing policies that are harmful to global stability.
I will make continuity with the policies and policy strategies of the Greenspan Fed a top priority.
If I am confirmed to this position, my first priority will be to maintain consistency and continuity with the policies established during the Greenspan years.
For me, journalism has been more a matter of projecting a particular approach to covering policies, to covering issues. It was a continuation of what I tried to do in government.
There are several states that move from Karl Marx-like policies to Adam Smith-like policies and back again in a weekend. So for the states with huge volatility in their income tax policies over time, the differences in growth rates in those periods are really amazingly consistent with tax rates really mattering.
By restraining spending and by cutting the deficit, Republican policies are helping to keep our economy strong.
Even the most well-meaning government policies have unintended consequences that have harmed the economy. If government policies were today held accountable the way private businesses are, the scoreboard would say government is failing to help people...and this is a fact.
Alan Greenspan needs to create a housing bubble to replace the Nasdaq bubble,” cried New York Times columnist Paul Krugman in 2002.8 And that’s exactly what Greenspan did. Much of the new cash that flooded into the market as a result of his policies went into real estate, where small fluctuations in interest rates have a huge impact on prices.
We cannot have a time when those of us who are protesting current policies are going to be compared to terrorists or their values. We have to stand up now before we have a period of silencing all meaningful discussion in our country.
These policies include making tax relief permanent, reducing the budget deficit by limiting spending, strengthening retirement and health security through efforts like Social Security reform ... and enhancing energy security.