Ashes Quotes
When I die, sprinkle my ashes over the 80's.
When it's time to shuffle off this mortal coil, you leave your ashes to be composted.
In order to rise From its own ashes A phoenix First Must Burn.
I thought my fire was out, and stirred the ashes…. I burnt my fingers.
You may burn my body to ashes, and scatter them to the winds of heaven; you may drag my soul down to the regions of darkness and despair to be tormented forever; but you will never get me to support a measure which I believe to be wrong, although by doing so I may accomplish that which I believe to be right.
No ashes are lighter than those of incense, and few things burn out sooner.
If U.S. air, naval, missile, and ground forces were not in and around Korea, and if we were not treaty-bound to fight alongside South Korea, there would be no reason for Kim to build rockets to threaten a distant superpower that could reduce his hermit kingdom to ashes.
When Jared smiled, his teeth were stained with fresh scarlet. "Don't you hate me?" he demanded. "I'd hate me." "You just tried to drown yourself," Ash said. "You seem to hate yourself plenty already.
I spend my time dwelling on revenge and try to deal with the monsters crawling out of the ashes.
I havent really thought about where to scatter my ashes when the time comes, but I doubt that it would be in space.
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Halleluiah amen, you are dismissed.
My pen is alight and my body aflame. Until both burn down to ash, my love and my hate will remain here in the world.
Out of these ashes beauty will rise.
Ash should take the ladies, because he's charming." Ash looked pleased. Jared raised his eyebrows. "Are you saying that I'm not a charmer?" "You are very dear to me, but you have all the savoir faire of a wildebeest," Kami told him. "A wildebeest," Jared repeated. "A dashingly handsome wildebeest," Kami assured him.
Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes.
I was really disappointed coming off that Ashes series.
His ashes were scattered on the sea he never finished crossing.
Even ashes are a part of your freedom.
The oak roars when a high wind wrestles with it; the beech shrieks; the elm sends forth a long, deep groan; the ash pours out moans of thrilling anguish.
In a moment the ashes are made, but a forest is a long time growing.
Of thousands of others, nearer the centre of the explosion, there was no trace. They vanished. The theory in Hiroshima is that the atomic heat was so great that they burned instantly to ashes - except that there were no ashes.
The temple of fame stands upon the grave: the flame that burns upon its altars is kindled from the ashes of great men.
We're all embers from the same fire. Our ember winks out, we're ashes, we go back to the fire.
The whites have resolved to destroy our liberty and have therefore brought a force commensurate to their intentions. The Cape, after a proper resistance, has fallen into their hands, but the enemy found only a town and plain in ashes; the forts were blown up, and all was burnt.