Lamp Quotes
I never saw any lamp shining more brilliantly than the lamp of silence.
Bayazid Bastami
On the first of May, with my comrades of the catechism class, I laid lilac, chamomile and rose before the altar of the Virgin, and returned full of pride to show my blessed posy. My mother laughed her irreverent laugh and, looking at my bunch of flowers, which was bringing the may-bug into the sitting-room right under the lamp, she said: Do you suppose it wasn't already blessed before?
Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
Reflection is the lamp of the heart. If it departs, the heart will have no light.
Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad
... Waiter! raw beef-steak for the gentleman's eye,-nothing like raw beef-steak for a bruise, sir; cold lamp-post very good, but lamp-post inconvenient-damned odd standing in the open street half-an-hour, with your eye against a lamp.
Charles Dickens
When night hath set her silver lamp high, Then is the time for study.
Philip James Bailey
The function of religion means that faith is a lamp in our lives which illuminates the path for people.
Ali Zain al-Abidin al-Jifri
Someone had lit a kerosene lamp. By the inconstant light of its flickering flame, they stared at him out of emaciated faces with overlarge eyes, their bodies pale beneath tattered clothes. Once again Bourne’s heart was rent. He wanted to save them all, but to save two he needed to leave the others behind. He’d never make it out with all of them in tow.
Eric Van Lustbader
The principles upon which a safety lamp might be constructed I stated to several persons long before Sir Humphrey Davy came into this part of the country.
George Stephenson
People are so ridiculous with their illusions, carrying their fool's caps unawares, thinking their own lies opaque while everybody else's are transparent, making themselves exceptions to everything, as if when all the world looked yellow under a lamp they alone are rosy.
George Eliot
In order to keep the lamp burning you have to keep putting the oil in it.
Mother Teresa
Aladdin, who said to his wife, I know it's not a lamp, keep rubbing! Never got a dinner!
Red Buttons
The sky paled to green, a few stars looked out faintly, a light twinkled in the solitary house on Vilm, and the waiter came down and asked if he should bring a lamp. A lamp! As though all one ever wanted was to see the tiny circle round oneself, to be able to read the evening paper, or write postcards to one’s friends, or sew. I have a peculiar capacity for doing nothing and yet enjoying myself.
Elizabeth von Arnim