Vicious Quotes
Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
I thought Chris Benoit was worthy of being a Horseman. I thought Dean Melinko was. Obviously I thought Steven Michael was, though obviously he was inexperienced, I thought he was a perfect fit as a horseman. I did not like the Paul Roma deal. I did not like Sid Vicious or about two or three guys that they put in there, I just couldnt see it. I couldnt stomach it, but I had to.
That Sid Vicious was obviously a schizophrenic, kind of a mean one too.
The British Empire passed quickly and with less humiliation than its French and Dutch counterparts, but decades later, the vicious politics of partition still seems to define India and Pakistan.
Everything that is ponderous, vicious and pompously clumsy, all long-winded and wearying kinds of style, are developed in great variety among Germans.
A man in love prefers his passion to every other consideration, and is fonder of his mistress than he is of virtue. Should she prove vicious, she makes vice lovely in his eyes.
I'm not vicious really. I consider myself to be kindhearted. I love my mum.
Be virtuous and you will be vicious.
Describe a circle, stroke its back and it turns vicious.
We're not allowed to play Monopoly at home. It gets too vicious.
He who makes war his profession cannot be otherwise than vicious. War makes thieves, and peace brings them to the gallows.
If we are surrounded by the trivial and the vicious, it is all too easy to make our peace with it.
Non-cooperation in itself is unnatural, vicious and sinful.
I do beseech you- Though I perchance am vicious in my guess , that your wisdom yet From one that so imperfectly conjects Would take no notice, nor build yourself a trouble Out of his scattering and unsure observance.
I hate all men, the ones because they are mean and vicious, and the others for being complaisant with the vicious ones.
And I thought to myself, What am I doing? Am I reaching them at all? They are acting exactly as the old men did earlier. They are fifty years younger, maybe more, but doing the same thing those old men did who never attended school a day in their lives. Is it just a vicious circle? Am I doing anything?
I have forgotten my rave reviews and memorized my vicious ones - like most writers.
The spiral is a spiritualized circle. In the spiral form, the circle, uncoiled, has ceased to be vicious; it has been set free.
There is, inside all our heads, the ego’s rabid attack dog. It is purely vicious toward others and toward ourselves as well. Learning to control that dog, and ultimately to end its life, is the process and purpose of enlightened relationships.
Every day confirms my opinion on the superiority of a vicious life, and if Virtue is not its own reward, I don't know any other stipend annexed to it.
A small town is nothing but eyes and gaping maw; it pecks at its own like a flock of vicious birds.
In a boxing match, the fighters absorb some vicious blows because they’re ready for them. And usually, the knockout punch is the one they didn’t see coming.
Fact be vertuous, or vicious, as Fortune pleaseth.
Take her away; for she hath lived too long, To fill the world with vicious qualities.