Lessons Quotes
From the cradle to the grave is a school, so if what we call problems are lessons, we see life differently.
There are a lot of lessons that people can take from me, that they can start to apply because I don't think that I can beat the Democrat Media Complex by myself.
Lessons, however, that enter the soul against its will never grow roots and will never be preserved inside it.
To tell you the truth, I've never been really good at learning other people's stuff. I've been playing since I was 11, and I never took lessons. I kind of learned through hit and miss. I had the patience just because I loved guitar so much.
We have learned the lesson that the music industry didn't learn. Give people what they want, when they want it, in the form they want it in, at a reasonable price - and they'll more likely pay for it rather than steal it.
The future is inherently full of discontinuities, and lessons of the past must be applied with enormous caution.
I feel that one of the most important lessons that can be learned is that what we "see" may be different than what is actually in front of us.
I have clearly recorded this: for one can learn good lessons also from what has been tried but clearly has not succeeded, when it is clear why it has not succeeded.
Do not study commentaries, lesson helps or other books about the Bible: study the Bible itself. Do not study about the Bible, study the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God, and only the Bible is the Word of God.
I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done.
An emperor knows how to govern when poets are free to make verses, people to act plays, historians to tell the truth, ministers to give advice, the poor to grumble at taxes, students to learn lessons aloud, workmen to praise their skill and seek work, people to speak of anything, and old men to find fault with everything.
Sometimes the harshest lessons were the most valuable.
It wasn’t verbal learning lessons… it was harnessing the broad strokes of the songs.
When we take voice lessons from the Master, we learn to speak with tenderness.
You get more negative reactions than positive reactions as you go through life, and the big lesson is nobody counts you out but yourself...I never have; I never will.
Peace and Blessings manifest with every lesson learned. If your knowledge were your wealth then it would be well earned.
Our bad memories and our bad experiences are what make us who we are and what make us grow and allow us to learn, if we choose to see the lessons in those experiences.
I'm thankful For the blessing And the lessons that I've learned with you By my side.
The teachers that we actually learn more from are the ones that taught us life lessons more than trigonometry. And they have such a huge responsibility and they're under-appreciated and underpaid. So that's my opinion of teachers.
Lesson from Pataki's success is: Use the political moment.
I turn to history not for lessons but to confront my experience with the experience of others and to win for myself a sense of responsibility for the state of the human conscience.
Lesson 1 from Spitzer: Don't alienate the legislature on Day 1.
Every experience in life enriches one's background and should teach valuable lessons.
I can't play any horns. Every time I tried to take saxophone lessons as a kid ... I can't whistle. I don't know if that has anything to do with.