Willing Quotes
I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.
I was willing to accept what I couldn't change.
You are willing to die, you coward, but not to live.
There’s no such thing as `one, true way’; the only answers worth having are the ones you find for yourself; leave the world better than you found it. Love, freedom, and the chance to do some good — they’re the things worth living and dying for, and if you aren’t willing to die for the things worth living for, you might as well turn in your membership in the human race.
I’m willing to meet my creator and answer every shot that I took.
People are wiser than we are willing to attribute to them.
One thing is clear to me: We, as human beings, must be willing to accept people who are different from ourselves.
Stand true to your calling to be a man. Real women will always be relieved and grateful when men are willing to be men.
My price is five dollars for a miniature on ivory, and I have engaged three or four at that price. My price for profiles is one dollar, and everybody is willing to engage me at that price.
We need a president who is willing to uphold the law.
I must be willing to give whatever it takes to do good to others. This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no true love in me, and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me.
Valuation is what people are willing to pay.
A lottery is the perfect tax...laid only upon the willing.
I like Babyface, but he keeps the good stuff for himself. If he's willing to give his good stuff to me, we'll talk. But it can't be any of his B-grade stuff.
The wise is one only. It is unwilling and willing to be called by the name of Zeus.
If you agree to do a sex scene, you have to be willing to not be awkward about it. C'mon! I don't think of it as anything other than a dance, really. I don't see that person. I don't think of me being me.
A man who has nothing he is willing to die for has nothing worth living for.
Michael Marcus taught me one other thing that is absolutely critical: You have to be willing to make mistakes regularly; there is nothing wrong with it. Michael taught me about making your best judgment, being wrong, making your next best judgment, being wrong, making your third best judgment, and then doubling your money.
I believe in saying 'yes.' I love to work, and I always believe that the schedule can work out if everything is willing to allow it to work out.
You can't just have a clean public space - you also have to have people willing to use it, and something that will draw them in.
When you have something in life that you want to accomplish greatly, you have to be willing to give up your happiness…I’ve lost all my sensitivity as far as being embarrassed, being shy, you just have to lose that.
When asked if I'd be willing to help out, I think the only answer that you could come up with is, 'Yes,'
Our lives are not fully lived if we're not willing to die for those we love, for what we believe.
I'm willing to work with all parties to reform Indonesia.