Remain Quotes
And once you are awake, you shall remain awake eternally.
From an unknown land and through distant skies came a winged warrior. Nothing remained sacred, no one is safe from the Hellion as it uttered it's battle cry... Screaming for vengeance.
May we remain connected in love. We are one.
Ideas that enter the mind under fire remain there securely and for ever.
We must remain as close to the flowers, the grass, and the butterflies as the child is who is not yet so much taller than they are. We adults, on the other hand, have outgrown them and have to lower ourselves to stoop down to them. It seems to me that the grass hates us when we confess our love for it. Whoever would partake of all good things must understand how to be small at times.
At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid.
I remain your servant and I will do as you ask of me.
I remain on 'SVU' because it is an incredible opportunity.
Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain.
The more things remain obscure and mysterious, the more they interest me. I even try to find mystery in things that have none.
Sensuality often hastens the "Growth of Love" so much that the roots remain weak and are easily torn up.
Human destiny is bound to remain a gamble, because at some unpredictable time and in some unforeseeable manner nature will strike back.
India has large proven reserves of gas that remain unexploited.
What matters school? We can go to school to-morrow. Whether we have a lesson more or a lesson less, we shall always remain the same donkeys.
If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity.
In the end things must be as they are and have always been--the great things remain for the great, the abysses for the profound, the delicacies and thrills for the refined, and, to sum up shortly, everything rare for the rare.
The saving grace of all really great gifts is that the persons who bear their burden remain superior to what they have done, at least as long as the source of creativity is alive.
There is sense in hoping for recognition in a distant future only when we take it for granted that mankind will remain essentially unchanged, and that whatever is great is not for one age only but will be looked upon as great for all time.
One must shed the bad taste of wanting to agree with many. "Good" is no longer good when one's neighbor mouths it. And how should there be a "common good"! The term contradicts itself: whatever can be common always has little value. In the end it must be as it is and always has been: great things remain for the great, abysses for the profound, nuances and shudders for the refined, and, in brief, all that is rare for the rare.
Some things You have to let be lost Some battles, some battles You have to leave unfought. Then the truth just wastes away In all we dare not say. And in all we can't explain But I faithfully remain.
Women's styles may change but their designs remain the same.
I am a very frank person and that's how I hope to remain. I don't like to pretend to be polite. What you see is what you get.
Liberty? Independence? Are they to remain only words? Gentlemen, let us make them fighting words!
If we be doomed to marry, we marry; if we be doomed to remain single we do.