Chic Quotes
You cannot fake chic but you can be chic and fake fur
Whenever I Google for clothes, I always look at what Angelina Jolie is wearing. I love Sienna Miller, and I really like Rihanna's style, too. There's the edgy girl, classy girl, and the Bohemian chic girl. I guess I'm all of that combined into one.
The Chanel woman is slender, sophisticated and chic.
I'm not chic, I could never be chic.
All of the generations go to what is chic for them, and theater seems to be an older generation's art form.
Chic is a combination of style and fashion.
Chic is a kind of mayonnaise, either it tastes, or it doesn't.
It amuses me when I'm described as 'chic.'
My style icons would be people like Brigitte Bardot and old Hollywood actresses who always look so stunning, cool and chic. I like classic and timeless looks.
I'm very into urban chic; it goes with my personality.
How did the land of Jefferson, how did the land of King, become the land of hamburgers and raisins that can sing? Roosevelt was cripple, Lincoln was a geek, they'd never get elected, their clothes were never chic.
Clothes should be practical. I like the concept of easy wear. I think [86-year-old] actress Emmanuelle Riva was extremely chic. She's super stylish. At the Cesars, she was wearing this beautiful red silk dress. I don't know whose it was.
You do know when people say 'chic,' they mean thin.
The herd instinct is the new chic! It's like belonging to a club!
There is no word in English for chic. Why should there be? Everything chic is by legend French. Perhaps everything chic is in reality French.
It is not chic to be too chic.
I want to do nothing chic, I want to have ideas before beginning a piece.
Being chic not only takes a great deal of money but an enormous amount of time. It practically precludes everything else, even being on charity committees. Half of one's time goes getting chic, the other half being seen that way.
It is important to be chic.