Swings Quotes
American politics is always somewhat fluid. In this age of social media, it means that voters can swing back and forth.
Barack Obama
The great thing about taking big chances when you're younger is you have less to lose, and you don't know as much. So you take big swings.
Amy Poehler
I'm not a depressive, but I certainly have mood swings. It's an occupational hazard, I would say, and I'm glad I'm in the occupation I'm in.
Frances McDormand
Lonesome Rhodes had wild mood swings. He'd be very happy, he'd be very said, he'd be very angry, very depressed, and I had to pull all of these emotions out of myself. And it wasn't easy.
Andy Griffith
Politics swings like a pendulum.
Ed Gillespie
Do you know what I like about this? We can actually get to the swings for Alyssa,
Ashley Johnson
I'm starting to swing the bat now like I know I can. You can't really explain it. I'm just seeing the ball good and everything is going my way.
J. J. Hardy
I began to realize that the big money must necessarily be in the big swing.
Jesse Livermore
Under our thatch, friend, place shall abide for you, touch but the latch, friend, the door will swing wide for you!
Nancy Byrd Turner
Gerda sends Astrid flying back, then swings to her own board. Astrid soars now like a rider taming a wild beast, bending the trapeze to her own will. She spins by her ankles, by a lone knee, barely touching the bar to which I always cling fast. Gerda watches Astrid with disinterest, almost distaste. She and the other women do not like Astrid. Within days of arriving, I heard the whispers: they resent Astrid for returning and taking her spot at the top of the aerial act while they had worked for years, and for coupling up with Peter, one of the few eligible men the war had left. The girls at the home were much the same, sniping and whispering behind each other’s backs. Why are we so hard on one another? I wonder. Hadn’t the world already given us challenges enough? But if Astrid notices their coldness, she doesn’t seem to mind. Or perhaps she just doesn’t have need for any of them. She certainly doesn’t need me.
Pam Jenoff
I think that there are quite a few acts which have stayed with the basic feelings and that's good. And I see something of a swing back to that. For example there are quite a few people copying my early stuff now. Like it's become a reference point or something.
Van Morrison
I'll have you weak in the knees that you could hardly speak,
Or we could do like Uncle L and swing an ep in my Jeep.
Kamaal Ibn John Fareed
A Tribe Called Quest
My heart was full of softening showers, I used to swing like this for hours, I did not care for war or death, I was glad to draw my breath.
Stevie Smith
We did a good job of being patient. Wakefield didn't have good command, and we did a good job of being patient and getting good swings. If we get on base, these guys do a job of driving us home.
Brad Wilkerson
If you look at the type of swings I've been taking the last couple of days, I'm right where I need to me. If I'm healthy, I'll be fine. That has always been the case with me.
Gary Sheffield
Do you know what Bill Gates has to pull out of an old coat, to feel like I did with a $20 bill? First of all, the idea that Bill Gates has an old coat is preposterous. If he has an old coat, it's the coat Abe Lincoln was shot in and he wears it as a bathrobe - no underwear by the way. He lets his billionaire balls swing willy-nilly beneath the death cloak of the great emancipator. That's your 1%.
Gary Gulman