Pursuit Quotes
The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.
The pursuit of knowledge is more valuable than its possession.
The pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, an almost fanatical love of justice and the desire for personal independence - these are the features of the Jewish tradition which make me thank my stars that I belong to it.
Study and in general the pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
The pursuit of God is not a part-time, weekend exercise. If it is, chances are you will experience a part-time, weekend freedom. Abiding requires a kind of staying power. The pursuit is relentless. It hungers and thirsts. It pants as the deer after the mountain brook. It takes the kingdom by storm...The pursuit of God is a pursuit of passion. Indifference will not do. To abide in the Word is to hang on tenaciously. A weak grip will soon slip away. Discipleship requires staying power. We sign up for duration. We do not graduate until heaven.
Happiness, as a pursuit, is suitable only for pigs.
There is no such thing as the pursuit of happiness, but there is the discovery of joy.
There is no such source of error as the pursuit of truth.
Those whose days are consumed in the low pursuits of avarice, or the gaudy frivolties of fashion, unobservant of nature's lovelinessof demarcation, nor on which side thereof an intermediate form should lie.
Religion is a temper, not a pursuit.
The manic pursuit of success cost me everything I could love: my wife, my three children, some friends I would have liked to grow old with.
Conflict is the pursuit of truth.
The pursuit of perfection is frustrating and a waste of time, because nothing is ever perfect. The pursuit of excellence is commendable and worthwhile. Therefore strive for excellence not perfection.
Music is an individual pursuit - it is made to please yourself first. The pleasure of other people is a byproduct of the pleasure that comes from yourself so again I cannot judge or look down on someone who does whatever they feel like doing.
Possessing talent is nothing more than the continuous pursuit of a life-long interest.
If the biographer gives me credit for being a plodder, he will describe me justly. Anything beyond this will be too much. I can plod. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I owe everything.
Vitality! That's the pursuit of life, isn't it?
I'm in pursuit of what cannot be achieved: perfection.
Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.
Philosophy is at once the most sublime and the most trivial of human pursuits.
There's always risk in life's most rewarding pursuits, isn't there?
I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom.
Self-awareness is not self-centeredness, and spirituality is not narcissism. 'Know thyself' is not a narcissistic pursuit.
For many, many people, getting married is one of the most important things they will ever do in the pursuit of happiness.